Meredith Smith
Meredith Smith

Meredith Smith

NICU Nurse
HW 385, LW 185, CW 265
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My Weight Loss Story

I was born with a heart defect. After I had surgery at age 4, my family have me junk food... Anything I wanted... All the time. My parents divorced when I was around 8 so I lived with my dad. I could eat whatever I wanted whenever I wanted. I missed my mama and didn't see her often. I ate my sadness. I didn't have any restrictions. My older teenage sisters were in charge of food. They made Mac and cheese, mashed potatoes, and sweets. Food was always plenty. I started my first diet in 2nd grade. My older sister put me on the Atkins diet. I remember sitting at the cafeteria table eating a burger and cottage cheese. I've been on a diet ever since. After my bypass, I was rock solid for 1 yr. Then I was feeling myself and started adding back in a bit here and there. Family issues = eating my feelings. Here and there I would do well. Then I'd get discouraged when the scale didn't move out I would go up then down then up. Not really making progress. I went on Noom with no results after being religious. Then I woke up and said " WTF are you doing to yourself?" I happened to get on Tiktok. Tonya @takingmylifebackat42 showed up. She is a badass!❤️ I started drinking water instead of diet soda and diet tea. I've been moving instead of sitting watching TV. I am decluttering, getting rid of things that don't make me happy, and making my day worthwhile. I get up everyday and get dressed. I did love sitting in my nightgown all day. (My 6yr granddaughter drew a pic of me wearing my nightgown. One of my most treasured items) ❤️ I'm going to lose the rest of this weight. I'm still a winner! I've kept off over 100lbs 🥰 I've got one life! I damn sure am going to do everything I can, even some things I can't. I'm going to go where I want and wear what I want. I'm doing what makes me happy 😊🥰❤️

You've got one life to live... Make the most of every single day!

Words of Wisdom

Even when you slip, get back up. Keep getting up. Know your worth. Tell yourself YOU ARE WORTH IT!!! And KNOW IT!!!

What does success in bariatrics mean to you?

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What is your favorite thing about your new found body, health and wellness?

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