India Trotter
India Trotter

India Trotter

HW 254 SW 245 LW 167 CW 187 GW 165
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My Weight Loss Story

I am India, otherwise known as ThatChickUKnow. Raised in San Diego, I'm a California girl living in Philly. I've been in Philly for 30+ years. I am 51 years old. I have two wonderfully amazing grown children and one beautiful granddaughter. I am an empty nester but am a hu-MOM to two cats, Rocco & Pete. In my mid-30s, I had my thyroid removed due to precancerous conditions. In my late 30s, I had a hysterectomy due to precancerous conditions. I have been health-focused ever since. From my early 30s to my early 40s, I worked out, ate relatively healthily, and even ran half marathons; never a full one. I never got to 13.1 miles and said, "Ya know what? I think I will do that again, right now." Sorry! I digressed. Life took a change for me in my early to mid-40s. Diagnosed with hypertension [high blood pressure], I was then taking medication to regulate my pressure in addition to my thyroid medication. No matter how much I worked out, ran, or ate right, I could not lose my newfound weight. As a matter of fact, I was just getting bigger and bigger and [whelp] bigger. Years later and 254+ pounds on the books, it was determined that my thyroid medication was being canceled out by my blood pressure meds and my metabolism was working minimally at best. Couple that with my age and desperation to live a long and fulfilling life, I needed a long-term solution. My answer to fix it all was weight loss surgery. I was 48 when I made the decision to have a Vertical Sleeve Gastrectomy [VSG]. I was 49 when I had the surgery. I am 51 now and sleeved. I am 2+ years post-op and in the maintenance phase of my journey. It has been one of the best decisions of my life. I share my journey to be helpful to others, to educate folks on the truths of this lifestyle, and to selfishly help keep me on the right path. I share my transformations with transparency, with humor, and with a sincere adoration for those of you who are brave enough to walk this same path."

You could be the ripest, juiciest peach on the tree and there will still be someone who doesn't like peaches. - Brooke Castillo

Words of Wisdom

Make the decision based on what you need and how you feel, not based on the opinions or judgements of others.

What does success in bariatrics mean to you?

Your weight loss transformation is more of a mental journey than a physical one. Once you realize that, you will see a significant difference in your results.

Favorite NSV:

What is your favorite thing about your new found body, health and wellness?

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